We will all face death, but are our affairs in order in a way where we are able to leave assets to our families instead of leaving headaches and pieces of a puzzle to find and put together? Through AAA Probate Resources, families will not only learn financial literacy tools, but they will also be able to set themselves up in a way where they can create generational wealth and a legacy for their family, once they have passed. With homeownership being one of the most sought after American Dreams, many families work everyday to earn a living that will afford them the opportunity to be able to purchase real estate. Unfortunately, in many situations, this hard work goes in vain because affairs aren’t in order in preparation for the individual’s passing. AAA Probate Resources essentially can help families preserve the real estate they’ve worked so desperately hard to acquire, so that they are able to leave a legacy for their family that comes after them.

Our Vision

To establish better financial literacy and freedom amongst the family unit, so that they are able to economically sustain generationally. To create a legacy plan, a generational wealth plan, and an estate plan, in an effort to cure the toxicity that can arise within the family unit when settling the estate of a loved one.

Our Mission

To provide the resources needed to individuals and families currently in the Probate process, as well as educate families about Probate so that they are better prepared to go through the Probate process, finalize the Probate process, and maintain the assets that may have been inherited.

Our Services

Real Estate Liquidation
Will Writing Parties
End of Life Planning

We offer assistance in managing and liquidating the real estate portion of a deceased person’s estate, ensuring heirs can access their inheritance. Our services are centered around real estate liquidation, financial literacy for budgeting and personal finances, estate planning for wills and trusts, guidance on life insurance and long-term care planning, and ultimately providing the tools necessary for families to create and maintain generational wealth

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